Tips to Capture Your Readers' Interest

There is nothing worse than reading boring content that has no emotion. That will turn a reader away quicker than anything. It is imperative that you keep your readers actively engaged and interested by keeping your content entertaining, yet simple. A few tips to help you accomplish this are::
Enjoy What You're Writing
If you get bored with the content you are writing, then you can rest assured that your readers are going to lose interest and probably won't read past the first few paragraphs. Constantly check your content to ensure it is interesting and leaves your readers wanting more. Use descriptive words that evoke emotion in your readers. If you enjoy what you write, you're readers will have a positive experience when reading your content.
Keep the Message Simple
You don't need to ramble on about what you're trying to convey to your readers. Don't make your audience work hard to try and figure out what you're trying to tell them. You want to keep your writing focused on the story you are trying to tell in a way that will resonate with your readers. When you are clear and concise in delivering your message, you gain credibility and your readers will look forward to reading your content.
Stir Up Curiosity
You want your audience to continue reading and you want them to return for more. Going along with writing that is entertaining is the need to stir up your readers' curiosity. Leave them in suspense. Doing so will ensure they return time and again to read your content. Leaving your audience to wonder what happens next will ensure they are not bored and are fully engaged in what they are reading.
Be enthusiastic about your writing. You need to feel some passion for what you write in order to be able to connect with your readers on a human level. By making that important connection, you will not only keep your current readers, but you will see your audience grow.